Saturday, June 19, 2010


Very cool radio website, Whatever music style or musician or band name I come up with, they make a radio station for me that plays just that kind of music. So far I've got James Taylor, Ottmar Liebert, The Gipsy Kings, Henry Mancini and Bob Dylan. They can also mix and vary in each station. Ingenious!

It's so nice to have free music of choice while working in the basement - which can seem a little closed in.

Grandkid's visit has been wonderful, and getting to work on a computer project with her was very enjoyable. She's certainly a child of her era, analytical and discerning. I also found out her favorite pattern is zebra stripes. She loves weird tv cartoon shows and Weird Al songs, and her favorite part of visiting us is getting corn tortillas, refried beans with cheese.

Many lilies are blooming around the place, along with roses, crepe myrtles and impatiens. The upside-down cherry tomato plant is doing well so far.

This Saturday morning the errands went well and now closed in the cool cavern, I'm working with our home library to clean and organize, still!

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