We were both 24 years old and not much education between us. We liked different types of music, we had different tastes in just about everything. We had a daughter by the time we were married two years. That made our differences seem more noticeable and difficult to deal with. We've had our bad times, for sure.
Now we've passed age 60 and have lots of fun together. We appreciate our differences and celebrate all of each other's interests.
Steve loves to watch sports and we finally were able to get a big screen TV. He has subscriptions online to read about sports.
I enjoy different destinations online, such as Facebooking with my cousins in Texas, keeping up with my favorite opinion forums, playing games and reading books.
We love watching birds at the feeders in the backyard.
We appreciate everything and try to keep complaints and critical remarks to a minimum.
Doing things apart is no problem - whatever the other person wants to do is fine. That was hard to learn! It involves total trust in each other. But we learned to have each other's best interests at the top of our priorities.
I never did acquire an addiction to ball games like Steve has! But my knowledge of music history and great performers has evolved and we appreciate listening together.
He is my human, he belongs to me, and vice versa. We have grown together like permanent friends will do.
I cannot imagine a better husband, or a better marriage. I think this is as good as it gets. Just my opinion, a'course!